奥泰医疗系统有限责任公司(AllTech Medical Systems,LLC,以下简称“奥泰医疗系统”)是奥泰国际集团(AllTechInternational Group)控股之下的高科技医疗影像系统公司,位于中国四川省成都市。AllTech Medical SystemsAmerica,Inc为奥泰医疗系统的姐妹公司,位于美国俄亥俄州克利夫兰市。奥泰医疗系统于2005年6月落户四川省成都市高新技术开发区,注册资本金1700万美元,项目总投资额2980万美元,主营业务为高场超导核磁共振成像系统(MagneticResonance Imager,简称MRI)产品的研发、生产和销售。奥泰医疗系统新落成的办公楼和厂房位于成都市高新区西区,占地66847平方米,总建筑面积31155平方米,该厂区为目前全球先进的高场超导MRI研发和生产基地。
奥泰医疗系统核心技术团队是由20余名在国际磁共振科技及工业领域享有盛名的科学家、工程师和高级企业管理人员组成。公司先后被列入2006年四川省重点建设项目和2007年四川省重点技术创新项目,并名列“清科-2007年中国最具投资价值企业50强”第8名。2008年1月,公司通过国际ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证。公司第一款磁共振成像系统产品1.5T EchoStar™(回波星)结束了中国国内高场超导MRI系统设备长期依赖进口的现状,改写了中国在MRI领域没有自主生产的大口径超导磁体的历史。2009年4月16日,该款产品被列入《2009年成都市名优产品推荐目录》。
AllTech Medical Systems, LLC, is a high-tech medical imaging systemscompany, and is part of the AllTech International Group. Located inChengdu of China, AllTech Medical Systems has a registered capital ofUSD$17 million and total investment of USD $29.8 million. AllTechMedical Systems is a global leading manufacturer of MRI systems.
Our core business activities are research and development, production,and installation of MRI systems and accessories, as well as providingMRI systems maintenance and consultation services.
More than 20 renowned specialist scientists, engineers and businessleaders from the MRI industry around the world form Alltech's coremanagement and R&D teams.
Our new Chengdu plant combines our R&D and manufacturing facilitiesin a building with a total floor area of 31,155 square meters and a landarea of 66,847 square meters.
In January 2008 AllTech Medical Systems was assessed and certified asmeeting the requirements of International ISO9001:2000.
EchoStar?, the first 1.5T MRI system from AllTech Medical Systems,passed the Registration Test of China SFDA on 18th July 2008. On 6thAugust 2008, Alltech Medical Systems receives FDA Market Clearance Confirmation.
AllTech is the first company in China with the capability toindependently research and develop, design and manufacture high-fieldMRI systems. AllTech Medical Systems supplies high-quality,high-performance MRI products and services to hospitals at an accessibleprice in the international emerging MRI market.
At the beginning of 2009, AllTech Medical Systems began pilot productionof its 1.5T MRI systems. System performance has reached the standards ofcomparable systems from other major global brand names.
In 2009, AllTech Medical Systems will complete its research andinvestigation into the global MRI market, and progress from its initialstart-up stage into a phase of robust growth.
In 2010 AllTech Medical Systems will ramp up systems production,increase its MRI installations in the global market, and acceleratebusiness growth.
Combining its world-leading MRI technology with excellent localmanufacturing resources in China, AllTech Medical Systems will createand offer a line of high-field MRI products and services which will becompetitive around the world.
With its own MRI brand, AllTech Medical Systems will initially gainaccess to the emerging MRI market in developing countries, and then moveinto the much more developed North American and European markets.
As a leading MRI manufacturer in the global market, AllTech MedicalSystems provides a workplace based upon developing and supportingpeople, delivering on our commitments and satisfying our customers. Wevalue diversity within our workforce and are constantly striving toattract and retain talented qualified people into our company. We offeroutstanding salary, benefits and career growth potential to our employees.
The social responsibility of AllTech Medical Systems is to helphospitals reduce diagnosis costs, deliver extra benefits for patients,and create a positive impact on the global healthcare industry.
1)电子设计工程师 Electrical Engineer
2)机械设计工程师 Mechanical Engineer
3)MRI系统集成工程师 MRI System Integration Engineer
4)塑料机械机构工程师 Plastic Mechanical Engineer
5)低温机械机构工程师 Cryogenic Mechanical Engineer
6)软件工程师 Software Engineer
7)高级射频电子工程师 Senior Electrical(RF)Engineer
8)高级梯度线圈工程师 Senior Electrical(Gradient)Engineer
9)测试工程师 Test Engineer
1)钳工 Bench Worker