总部位于上海、建筑面积35000平方米、拥有近1000名员工、由一批海内外博士专家团队领衔的吉尔生化是一家国际领先的保护氨基酸、多肽及抗体产品的规模生产企业。强大的综合实力、十多年的质量管理经验、庞大的规模效应,吉尔生化向世界范围内的客户提供了质优价廉的各类产品。经过十多年快速发展和扩张,吉尔生化已经成为国际规模最大的研究级多肽的制造商和供应商,每月生产能力接近一万条纯化肽。吉尔生化配备了一大批国际最先进的多肽科研及生产仪器设备,十多年来积累了大量技术秘诀,拥有一批专利技术和一支经验丰富的科研生产队伍。作为公司业务的进一步延伸,吉尔生化于2008年初成功收购了一家抗体公司,成为中国少数几家具有实际生产抗体能力的公司,自此公司的抗体业务也迅速发展。随着公司业务的进一步扩张,吉尔生化热忱欢迎一切有志于中国乃至世界多肽、抗体产业推进、开拓的能人志士加盟,吉尔生化势将打造一个为进取发奋年轻人开创事业未来的大舞台。With a 35,000 sq meter lab and production space and CorporateHeadquarter located in Shanghai, having 1000 staffs and led by a team ofprofessional managers and scientists with overseas Ph.D qualificationand experience, GL Biochem is a leading global biotechnology companyproviding a broad and diversified portfolio of protected amino acids,peptides and antibody products. We have accumulated more than tenyears’ of experience in management, sales, quality and manufacturing. GLBiochem is well recognized in serving our global customers with ourhighly qualified and price competitive products and services. After 10years of fast growth and expansion, GL Biochem has become the largestcustom grade and research grade peptide producer internationally, with amanufacturing capacity of ten thousands peptide per month. GL Biochem isequipped with many state-of-the-art peptide research tools andmanufacturing equipment, accumulation of more than ten years’ ofpatented peptide technology and also a group of vast experienced peptidescientists. In view of our business continuity requirement, GL Biochemhad acquired a full-fledged antibody manufacturing company in early 2008and becoming the only few companies in China with such manufacturingcapability and capacity to support on our expansion. As part of ouraggressive growth strategy, GL Biochem welcomes highly motivated andtalent individuals dedicated towards China and even global peptideindustry to join us. We are committed to create a platform for youngprofessionals to reach greater heights in their future careers.