

Our Group’s primary research interest is to elucidate the myocardialphysiology in heart valve diseases and its changes after cardiacsurgery. Over the last 15 years, we have used echocardiography andcardiac catheterization to characterise myocardial stress and powerprofiles in patients with pressure or volume overloaded left ventricleand its early changes following surgical correction. We also have a longterm interest in elucidating the effects of valve surgery and valveprosthesis design on patients’ ventricular remodelling, coronaryhemodynamics, aortic root geometry and prosthesis durability. Over thelast 10 years, we have provided echocardiographic assessment for 5clinical trials of heart valve prosthesis (based at the Surgical EchoLab, Oxford Heart Centre) for CE mark and FDA approval, and havedeveloped Core Echo Lab services for multi-centre clinical trial. Morerecently, we have incorporated genomic profiling to pursue translationalstudies on myocardial function and patients outcome after heart valve surgery.

