* 医学统计学、生物化学、生理学、病理学、人体解剖学、分子生物学、细胞生物学、生物医学工程、生物诊断技术、医学遗传学、医学免疫学、医用微生物学、预防医学、流行病学、医学管理学。
* 心血管内科、肿瘤科、肾内科、神经内科、呼吸内科、消化内科、普通外科、神经外科、泌尿外科、脑外科、心血管外科、血液科、骨科、内分泌科、麻醉科、皮肤病与性病学、临床流行病学、康复医学、运动医学。
* 医疗器械包括骨科、眼科、心血管、体外营养、数字化摄影系统、全自动血液分析仪、微生物分析仪等。
* 翻译的文件包括:毒理学、药理学、药物化学、药物分析学、药剂学、制剂处方及工艺、原辅料来源及质量标准、药品检测报告、生物制药、新药急性毒性、慢性毒性试验、皮肤刺激试验、遗传毒性试验,新药I-IV期临床试验,新药报批资料,研究者手册、药品说明书、药品研究合同等等。
About Us
Beijing Huidayitong Translation Co., Ltd. (Registration No.110112010422629) is a professional company specialized in medical andpharmaceutical translation and interpretation. Since it was founded, thecompany has provided translation and interpretation services for manycustomers of such industries and won wide and high praise.
We are a professional medical and pharmaceutical translation agencyoffering high quality service. Most of our professional translators havea Master’s degree or higher. Moreover, many experts, professors, Doctorsof Medicine and Pharmacy from famous medical, pharmaceuticaluniversities and colleges, research institutes and foreign experts (fromUSA, UK, Korea, etc), altogether, form our translator teams. In ourcompany, domestic professional medical translators and returned overseasscholars converge together, devoted to the fields consisting of foreignand domestic medical theories and clinical applications, biologicalpharmaceutical technology, new drug application files as well as medicaldevices, cosmetics, food, veterinary and other medical related areas.
Our average annual translation volume exceeds 10 million characters. Wehave three specialized teams, they are new drug application file team,which annually accomplishes over dozens of application file series withsuccessfully passing the audit of SFDA; medical device team, whoseprojects cover user’s manual IEC report and application files concerninghundreds of medical devices and products annually; and medicaldissertation team, who translates not only more than 10 academic papersmonthly, but also contents and paper abstracts in journals.
We adhere to serving our clients “professionally, accurately andefficiently”. By high-educated and well-equipped translation team, westringently and conscientiously provide tailored language solutions,offering you fast, convenient translation products and services withoutyour outing.
Beijing Huidayitong Translation Co., Ltd. will mold corporate image byquality and build brand by professionalism.