

Consultech is a full-service consulting and marketing communicationscompany, providing integrated marketing services to healthcare &Pharmaceutical companies in China.

Consultech was established in 1995. It has its operations in two of themajor cities in China, i.e. Beijing and Shanghai. Being a pioneer in itsfield in China, Consultech owns a dedicated team who are well equippedwith professional expertise and practical experiences.In 2007,Consultechjoined into Omnicom Group (NYSE: OMC),. This opens a new era ofdevelopment for Consultech. Omnicom’s global resources and networksfurther enhances Consultech’s ability to provide the best services tohealthcare companies in China.

Our vision is for Consultech to become a premier China-based healthcareservice company that provides total solutions and helps both foreign andChinese healthcare companies to achieve business success in China.

