

中国领先的医药健康传播公司 Links-Health 是中国领先的医药健康传播顾问公司,我们一直致力于为外资医药企业在华提供公关传播和市场咨询服务。我们的客户包括《财富》500强中的众多国际著名医药企业。Links-Health强大优势:了解中国消费者和患者需求;明晰中国市场和医药政策特性;掌握丰富的产品传播和媒体策划经验。Links-Health的远景和使命是:专业、高效、全方位的提供世界一流的顾问服务和解决方案,满足客户全面在华发展要求,提高中国公众医药健康认知,为使我们的客户实现雄心勃勃的营销战略目标。Links-Health关注医疗健康,与媒体和政府保持良好的关系,积极开展公共卫生、患者教育和品牌推广等市场宣传活动;我们具备专业的品牌传播知识,拥有品牌与企业实践方面的专业化、职业化、国际化人才队伍;我们确保公司的品牌,更关心客户的品牌;我们关心公司的目标,为客户提供最大回报。Links-Health欢迎有志于在医疗卫生健康事业发展的有识之士加盟,公司将为您提供良好的职业发展平台和吸引力的薪资福利待遇。愿我们共同努力,为中国的医疗卫生事业和人类的健康发展做出贡献。Links-Health Profile China's Leading Medical & Healthcare PR andMarketing Service Company Links-Health is a leading Chinese medical andhealth communications consultation company which has always beencommitted to providing PR communication and market consultation servicesfor foreign-investment healthcare companies. Our clients include manyworld-renowned companies, many of them are in the Fortune 500.Links-Health's Strengths: We know the needs of Chinese consumers andpatients; we grasp the particular characteristics of the Chinese marketand China's medicine and health policies; we have rich experience inproduct marketing and media planning. Links-Health's Vision andMission: Professional, efficient, providing a full range of world-classconsulting services and solutions, to meet the needs of clients duringtheir development in China and to improve the awareness of the Chinesepublic towards medicine and health; to enable our clients to achievetheir ambitious goal and marketing strategy. Links-Health is dedicatedto health care, and is actively engaging in public health, patienteducation, marketing and brand promotion activities; we haveprofessional knowledge and skills for brand communications and our teamis consisted of professional and international talents. We care aboutour targets, care about your brand and provide you the greatest return..Welcome to join us, the talents who are interested in the growth ofhealth care in China. We’d like to provide you with good careerdevelopment, compensation and benefits, and working together tocontribute for the development of people’s health and the healthcare in China.

