The George Institute for Global Health
The George Institute for Global Health was established in 1999 as anot-for-profit organisation dedicated to the prevention and managementof non-communicable diseases and injury, through domestic andinternational programs. The institute is a legally independentinstitution affiliated with the University of Sydney Faculty of Medicineand the Sydney South Western Area Health Service.
Our mission is to find solutions to common health problems throughexcellence and thought leadership in research, and translating thatresearch into policy, practice and capacity building. In achieving thatmission, we are committed to ensuring the integration of good businesspractices throughout all our operations.
The institute has grown rapidly since its inception, and currentlyemploys 180 staff at its headquarters in Sydney. Research operations areconducted at approximately 400 centres in more than 30 countriesworldwide. While Asia is a major focus, the George Institute is alsoactive throughout Europe, North America, and Australasia. The GeorgeInstitute has offices in Sydney Beijing and Hyderabad.
The George Institute is made up of several divisions and programs thatoversee numerous large-scale international and regional projects fundedby a diverse range of sponsors, both public and private. The researchportfolio of the institute includes randomized trials of new treatmentand prevention strategies, surveys, and observational studies of thecauses and outcomes of disease and injury. The current research budgetof the Institute is approximately $25-30 million per year. Researchrevenue comes from national and international medical research agencies,government, private sponsors and industry. All of the Institute’sresearch is initiated by academic staff of the Institute or colleaguesat partner institutions including the University of Oxford, theUniversity of Pittsburgh and the University of Melbourne. TheInstitute’s fully-owned subsidiary, George Medica Pty Ltd, providesstrategic and operational services to external clients in thebiotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.
The George Institute is dedicated to the recruitment, development, andretention of the best people from around the world. The pursuit ofacademic, scientific and operational excellence in a ’can do’ culture isactively promoted in all our activities.
About The George Institute, China
The George Institute, China is a legally independent, not-for-profitorganisation, which aims to promote the adoption of evidence-basedapproaches to improve health outcomes in China.
This includes initiating and supporting policy development to ensurethat clinical and population-based health research is effectivelytranslated into practice.
Since its establishment five years ago, The George Institute, China hasbecome a leading research organisation with over 40 staff based inBeijing and carries out several large-scale international and regionalprojects focused on chronic disease and injury prevention. With a strongbelief in building capacity and collaboration, we endeavor to reduce theburden of chronic disease and injury as a unique research organisationin China.