The Molecular Analysis and Genetic Improvement Center (MAGIC) wasformed in 2012 by merging six molecular biology research groups (PlantGene Engineering Center, Energy Plant Lab, Plant Nutrition PhysiologyLab, Plant Pathology Lab, Plant Mineral Metabolism Lab, and PhytohormoneRegulation Lab). Although each group has distinct research interests, ashared goal among the groups is to improve biotic and abiotic stresstolerance of crop plants for food, feed or fuel. In the years to come,MAGIC aims to expand with additional research groups that can complementexisting research focuses. 分子生物分析及遗传改良中心成立于2012年,目前由六个课题组组成(植物基因工程中心、能源植物研究组、植物营养生理研究组、植物病理研究组、植物矿物质代谢研究组、植物激素调控研究组)。虽然各课题组目前研究兴趣不尽相同,但中心共同研究目标提高胁迫环境下粮食作物、能源作物抗逆性。期望在未来几年充实中心研究队伍,壮大研究实力,凝练和完善现有研究目标。