博金都药业是一家以现代高科技为先导,以研制、开发、生产中西药、保健品为龙头,集科工贸为一体的股份制企业集团公司。公司在国内外设有四个分公司,一个科研所、一个中药材种植基地,实现研发、生产、销售一条龙服务。于2003年按照国家药品GMP标准建成占地15万平方米的现代化医药生产基地(山东世博金都药业),年产胶囊剂、片剂、颗粒剂5亿粒片,年处理中药材1000吨,全部投产后产值10亿人民币。公司坚持以人为本,广纳英才,汇聚了技术经验丰富、专业学识渊博、通晓国内外医药行业发展趋势的专家和学者,为科研提供市场信息、为企业提供产品和技术服务。并建立了现代企业管理体系和与国家级科研单位强强联合的科研开发机构,为与国际接轨,发展高科技产业奠定坚实的基础。世博金都药业公司坚持以“依靠科技 质量第一 诚信为本 服务人类”为经营方针,以“奉献爱意延长生命”为企业理念,立足实际、放眼未来,成立至今,世博人迈过一个又一个里程碑后,将目光投入了更高的阶梯,誓为21世纪中国医药,保健品产业的腾飞贡献力量。 Shibojindu(SBJD) pharmaceutical group company is a high-tech orientedstock company group. The major business scope includes medicine R&D,production of Chinese &Western medical treatment and leechdom,especially the production of health care food. The SBJD Group has fourbranches , a R&D centre and a planting basement of Chinesetraditional medicine materials. It is invested 150million for building amodern pharmaceutical production base(ShandongshibojinduPharm.Co.Ltd.)that covers 150,000sq.m.in2003,built to the national GMP standard, andthe base has an Annual production capacity of 500 million capsules andtablets, as well as an annual processing capacity of 600 tons of rawherbal materials. Our production value yearly is up to a billion RMB. The guiding strategy of SBJD are as following: human-oriednted, torecruit senior management experts and qualified technical talents, to behonest in business smore efficiently and bencficially to streng thenmodern management system, to set up a united R&D institution withnational research organization. All of these efforts is to lay afoundationt to the future international cooperation in the medicinehigh-tech industry. SBJD insists on the principle of to rely onscience and technology, to insisit quality first, to focus on prestigeasbasement, to serve human being. To take on the responsibility of tocontribute ourinfinite love, to prolong your limited lifeis the missionof all of the staff. Since its birth, the personnel in the company havestridden forward one after another landmarks,and now they have anobjective, hoping returning the company’s new and old clients who trustthe company. Moreover the company aims at the whole industrialdevelopment based on the present efforts and strong confidence to thefuture.