Established in 2003, ABON Biopharm (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd is located in oneof the most prestigious economy and technology development zones inChina: the Hangzhou City Economy and Technology Development Zone.Designated as a fully owned entity of foreign investors, the ABONBiopharm(Hangzhou) Co., Ltd has been recognized by the city governmentas the most important foreign investment project in the area ofBiotechnology in the city of Hangzhou.
The manufacture facility was designed by a San Diego, Californiaarchitect firm, with garden-like building areas of approximately 30,000sq. meters or 300,000 sq. ft. divided into manufacturing areas, R&Dlabs, offices and multifunctional supporting facilities, such as amultifunctional auditorium for 300 persons. There are over 900 employeescurrently working in this state-of-the-art in vitro diagnostic (IVD)device manufacturing facility equipped with all the necessary amenitiesof a modern IVD manufacturing facility.
The designing and building of ABON Biopharm manufacturing facility waswith global visions to comply with every quality system requirementestablished with various countries and regions. ABON Biopharm has beenregistered with the U. S. FDA as a medical device establishment. It alsohas ISO 13485:2003 and the Japanese jGMP certifications as an IVD devicemanufacturing establishment. Recently the facility passed the ChineseGMP inspection. It has also registered with the regulatory agencies ofCanada and Australia as a qualified medical device manufacturer tosupply products to these countries.
ABON Biopharm is thriving on innovative research, fast productdevelopment, efficient manufacturing and high volume marketing and salesof the lateral flow rapid IVD products based on an impeccable businessphilosophy of high quality, competitive price, flexible customer OEMproduct design and superior customer service. The ABON lateral flowrapid IVD products lines include tests for drugs of abuse, infectiousdisease, fertility, tumor markers, and cardiac markers. Many of theseproducts are FDA 510K cleared and/or bear CE Mark. They are nowcommanding very good market shares in the United States, Canada,European Union, Israel, Australia, New Zealand and Japan markets.
Since April 2006, ABON Biopharm manufacturing facility, together withits sister company Innovacon Inc. located in San Diego, California,U.S.A., has been acquired by the Inverness Medical Innovations (IMI). AsABON Biopharm is transitioning into the Inverness business family, it ispositioning itself to become the global manufacturing center for the IMIorganization.
In the near future, ABON Biopharm is poised to become the best and thelargest as well as the most efficient low cost and high quality lateralflow immunoassay test producer for the world.