美药典医药标准物质研发(上海)有限公司美药典医药标准物质研发(上海)有限公司是美国药典委员会设立于中华区的区域总部。美国药典委员会是目前国际公认最权威的药品、膳食补充剂及食品标准制定机构之一,目前已经制定并正式实施的药品、膳食补充剂及食品成分标准共计5600余项。这些标准在全球140多个国家和地区被广泛使用,其出版的《美国药典-国家处方集》在包括美国在内的多个国家和地区是法律强制执行的标准。成立192年以来,这些标准一直服务于世界各地,确保公众获得优质的药品和食品。作为独立的非营利组织,USP的机构分布在遍布全球的五个地点,为您提供与世界各地的科学、医疗和政府领袖交流的机会。美国药典委员会与中国政府和行业经过多年合作,于2006年在上海张江高科技园区设立了美国药典中华区总部办公室和实验室,并建成了美国药典委员会在全球的第三个标准品研发中心实验室。美国药典中华区总部目前拥有30余名科学家及各类专业人员,为标准物质的开发提供支持,并提供专业的药典培训和技术辅导,协助区域内厂商和监管机构确保医药、膳食补充剂和食品成分的质量。鉴于成立5年来本公司业务的蓬勃发展和突出业绩,美国药典委员会总部董事会于2011年11月批准了中华区总部的扩建计划。将在未来1-3年内在上海投资2900万美元建立总面积达8800平方米的符合国际标准的研发实验室,研发范围也将从化学药品标准研究延伸到生物、微生物和食品成分等领域。我们的使命是建立有助于提高药品和食品质量、安全性和效用的公共标准及相关方案,以改善全世界人民的公共健康状况。以下为美药典目前公开招聘职位,诚邀您的加盟。 应聘者请将中英文简历、近照、应聘职位和期望薪资发送至所述邮箱:uspchinahr@usp.org 欲了解USP更多详情,欢迎访问我们的网站: http://www.usp.org/ 或者http://www.usp.org/zh United States Pharmacopeia Research andDevelopment (Shanghai) Co, Ltd. is a subsidiary of the United StatesPharmacopeial Convention (USP). As one of the most authoritativeinternationally recognized standard-setting bodies of medicines, dietarysupplements and food ingredients, USP has developed and formallyimplemented over 5600 quality standards for medicines, dietarysupplements and food ingredients. USP’s drug standards are enforceablein the United States by the Food and Drug Administration, and aredeveloped and relied upon in more than 140 countries. Since its foundingin 1820, USP has helped secure the quality of the American drug supply.Building on that legacy, USP today works with scientists, practitioners,and regulators of many nations to help protect public health worldwide.USP institutions located in five locations around the world, as anindependent non-profit organization, to provide you with the opportunityto communicate with the scientific, medical and government leadersaround the world. USP set up the USP-China office and laboratoryfacility in Shanghai’s Zhang Jiang Hi-Tech Park in 2006. Staffed by morethan 30 scientists and other professionals, the site supports USPReference Standards development, provides trainings and technicalsupport which assist manufacturers and regulatory agencies in ensuringthe quality of medicines, dietary supplements, and food ingredients. Inview of the established five years of the company's business flourishand outstanding performance, USP Board of Trustees has approved theexpansion plan of the China site in November 2011. In the next 1-3years, USP will invest $29 million to build new R&D laboratories inline with international standards with around 8,800 square meters inShanghai. The range of R&D laboratories will be extended fromchemical standard research to other fields of biology, microbiology andfood ingredients. USP's mission is to improve the health of peoplearound the world through public standards and related programs that helpensure the quality, safety, and benefit of medicines and foods.Currently we are looking for the positions for USP-China. Pleaseindicate the position that you are interested and send us your bilingualresume and salary expectation to us: uspchinahr@usp.org For moredetails about USP, please visit our website. http://www.usp.org/ or http://www.usp.org/zh