


One Postdoctoral Research Associate in Synthetic Organic Chemistry isimmediate available at Baylor College of Medicine. You should haveseveral years' experience in multi-step organic synthesis, with goodknowledge of NMR for compound characterization, as well as a good trackrecord of publications. The main job duties are to design and synthesizecompounds as novel inhibitors. If desired, they can be trained incomputational drug design (docking, QSAR, etc), molecular & cellbiology, and even protein crystallography. The positions can last for atleast three years, subject to satisfactory performance. Salary will becommensurate with experience. Please check the faculty website at: for moreinformation. If interested, please contact Dr. Yongcheng Song(Department of Pharmacology) with a complete C.V. (email

Baylor College of Medicine is one of the top ten Medical Schools(medical university) in the US ( with excellent researchfacilities in biological/life sciences. It is located in Houston, Texas,one of the best cities in the US to live and work (inexpensive livingcosts with plenty of job opportunities)(

