盛世泰科生物医药技术(苏州)有限公司是一支由在中国和美国有近二十年新药研发实战经验的团队创办的新药研发公司,于2010年1月注册成立于苏州工业园区生物纳米科技园,目前有十多名博士和硕士组成的研发和运营团队。公司建立了一个完整的技术平台,能快速有效地验证药物靶点并筛选出药物的先导化合物,进而完成新药合成,制剂,药效评估、药理毒理以及申报等新药研发的主要工作。目前主要从事具有自主知识产权的治疗糖尿病和癌症的创新药物研发和有偿技术服务。CGeneTech (Suzhou, China) Co., Ltd. is founded by a team with many yearsof pharmaceutical experience in drug discovery and development from bothChina and the United States. Company has established a completetechnology platform that can quickly and efficiently validate drugtargets and lead compounds for drug screening, and then complete the newdrug synthesis, formulation, efficacy assessment, pharmacology andtoxicology, and to prepare the documentation of investigation of newdrug (IND). Currently CGeneTech is engaged with drug discovery bycollaboration with other pharmaceutical companies.