

志远翻译社成立于1996年,是一家领先的语言服务供应商,为全球客户提供包括笔译、口译、软件本地化及网站国际化等多语种语言解决方案。Founded in 1996, Arthur Translation Agency (ATA) is a leading languageservice provider(LSP) of a comprehensive multilingual solution includingtranslation, interpretation, software localization and websiteglobalization.毋庸置疑,在翻译领域的高度专业是我们的核心竞争力。我们的翻译流程经过英国国家质量保证局(NQA)审核注册,已通过ISO9001:2000国际质量体系认证,志远翻译社因而成为中国大陆率先通过ISO认证的翻译公司之一。志远翻译社自行开发的基于互联网的可视化项目管理系统,保证并且提高了翻译服务过程的效率和质量。High proficiency in translation is undoubtedly where our core competencyis. With a translation process approved and registered for itsconformity with ISO standards, ATA became one of the earliest ISO9001certified translation companies in mainland China. TMS system, a visibleproject management system based on Internet, which is independentlydeveloped by ATA and tailored for translation process, has been appliedwithin the company to streamline the operation and improve the cost andquality performance.志远翻译社现为美国翻译协会(ATA)会员,中国译协翻译服务委员会(TSC)成员单位,以及江苏省高院涉外民商事司法文书委托翻译机构。今天,志远翻译社已在苏州、昆山、上海、北京和北美建立运营和分支机构,拥有长期稳定的合作伙伴与客户资源,在国内同行业处于领先地位。Today, ATA has been accepted for memberships by both AmericanTranslators Association and the Translator’s Association of China, andfurthermore appointed by the Higher People’s Court of Jiangsu Provinceas the Certified Translation Service Provider. ATA has enjoyed continualgrowth with its offices in Suzhou, Kunshan, Shanghai, Beijing and NorthAmerica supported by many long-standing partners and suppliers, andranks among China’s leading providers for multilingual communication.

