

On 15 May 2010 the Shantou-Oxford Clinical Research Unit (SOCRU) wasestablished at SUMC. Established with the support of the Li Ka ShingFoundation, the purpose of SOCRU is to strengthen the collaborationbetween SUMC and the University of Oxford in the field of scientificresearch related to human and animal health. The collaboration willinclude exchange of academic expertise, research ideas, and techniquesheld by both universities to facilitate scientific progress in andunderstanding of human and animal health and will be lead by theprincipal investigators Prof. William Ba-Thein from SUMC and Prof.Farrar from the University of Oxford. SOCRU’s mission is to strengthenclinical research infrastructure at SUMC and its affiliated hospitals toimprove health in Shantou and ultimately throughout China. To achieveits goal, SOCRU is (i) providing opportunities to Chinese students andscientists to exchange academic expertise and research ideas with UKscientists through domestic/oversea training and education at UKuniversities, (ii) developing clinical research projects inSUMC-affiliated hospitals in Shantou, and (iii) setting up collaborativeresearch projects with hospitals and universities in other cities andprovinces in China. SOCRU is also striving to become a full partner ofOxford University Asia Research Network along with the centers inVietnam and Thailand.

