Introduction of Toku-E
Toku-E was established in 1981 in Tokyo, Japan, concentrating onfermentation products. When in the 90’s the headquarters moved to thestate of Washington Toku-E expanded its product range to Animal HealthDevices and Dispensing Needles and also focused on biotechnologyresearch compounds..
Toku-E Medical Devices Co. Ltd., Shanghai was formed in 1999,located in Jiangqiao Town, Jiading District, manufacturing animal healthdevices, dispensing needles and research compounds. All of our productsare exported, mainly to the US and Europe. Toku-E’s highest objectiveis to exceed customers’ expectations and to produce in a cost-effectiveway high-quality products by continual improvement. It is thereforevery important for our corporation to work closely with our customers toidentify their requirements and needs and put all our efforts togetherin order to meet our customers’ needs. The long term relationships withour customers reflect our success and guarantee us continuous growthsince 1999.