美国唯美血液技术公司(Haemonetics Corporation)始于1971年,杰克.莱森(JackLatham)博士成立了这家仪器公司,专注于血液领域,把品质和服务融合在不断的创新中。美国唯美血液公司的发明改变了人们血液采集和血浆处理的方式。 今天,我们已经成为全面提供血液管理方案的上市公司(HAE),总部设在美国麻省波士顿,在几十个国家设有分部,在美国、欧洲和亚洲均设有技术培训中心,产品已销往100多个国家和地区,2012年营业额预计超过10亿美元。我们的主要产品有血液回输机、机采血小板仪、红细胞采集仪、血栓弹力图仪、各种相关配套耗材、实验室产品以及血液的网络化管理和自动化血液追踪及库存管理方案等。 Our comprehensive portfolio of devices, information management, andconsulting services offers blood management solutions for each facet ofthe blood supply chain — from plasma and blood collectors to hospitals.We believe that through proper blood management, our portfolio ofproducts and services helps to prevent a transfusion for the patient whodoesn’t need one and provides the right blood product, at the righttime, in the right dose to the right patient who does. We began ourodyssey of success in 1971 with devices and consumables, which changedthe way blood was collected and processed at plasma and blood collectioncenters, as well as in the surgical suite. As industry needs havechanged, we have evolved from a medical device company focused on bloodprocessing systems to our current position as THE Global Leader in BloodManagement Solutions. Today, as we enter our fifth decade, we believethat we are uniquely poised to transform the practice of bloodmanagement globally. Access the following helpful resources to learnmore about our exciting company.