ATMI, (Nasdaq: ATMI) is a global leader in enabling process materialsand process technology for semiconductor, display and life scienceindustries. At ATMI, process ingenuity unleashes new processpossibilities for customers.
Since 1986, ATMI has developed capabilities including rapid processdevelopment, high performance materials, ultra-clean materialsutilization/packaging solutions and global supply chain management. Byworking closely with customers, ATMI uses speed of innovation, processeffectiveness and overall efficiency to deliver lasting economic value.With the spirit of collaboration, ATMI is committed to buildinglong-term strategic relationships which add significant value for customers.
Technology development and technology manufacturing efficiency can bekey bottlenecks impacting continued growth and profitability. ATMIfocuses on delivering process efficiency through fast access totechnology innovation, effective production of deliberate outcomes andefficient conversion of process input to process output. Deliveringbreakthrough improvements in these areas drives innovations in the mostdemanding high-volume manufacturing environments.