

Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is a publisher of high impact scientificand medical information in print and online. NPG publishes journals,online databases, and services across the life, physical, chemical andapplied sciences and clinical medicine. Focusing on the needs ofscientists, Nature (founded in 1869) is the leading weekly,international scientific journal. In addition, for this audience, NPGpublishes the Nature research journals and Nature Reviews journals, plusa range of prestigious academic journals including society-ownedpublications. Online, provides over 5 million visitors permonth with access to NPG publications and online databases and services,including Nature News and NatureJobs plus access to Nature Network andNature Education's . For information on NPG publications,online databases and services, visit the A-Z index or go to the catalog.Scientific American is at the heart of NPG's newly-formed consumer mediadivision, meeting the needs of the general public. Founded in 1845,Scientific American is the oldest continuously published magazine in theUS and the leading authoritative publication for science in the generalmedia. Together with and 16 local languageeditions around the world it reaches over 3 million consumers andscientists. Other titles include Scientific American Mind and Spektrumder Wissenschaft in Germany. Scientific American is available for sitelicense access on the platform. Throughout all itsbusinesses NPG is dedicated to serving the scientific and medicalcommunities and the wider scientifically interested general public. Partof Macmillan Publishers Limited, NPG is a global company with principaloffices in London, New York and Tokyo, and offices in cities worldwideincluding Boston, Buenos Aires, Delhi, Hong Kong, Madrid, Barcelona,Munich, Heidelberg, Basingstoke, Melbourne, Paris, San Francisco, Seouland Washington DC. Read our history for a timeline of NPG and thescientific events which have helped shape the direction of the business.NPG is a division of Macmillan Publishers Ltd, a global publishing groupfounded in the United Kingdom in 1843. Macmillan is itself owned byGerman-based, family run company Verlagsgruppe Georg von HoltzbrinckGmbH. 自然出版集团(Nature PublishingGroup)是一个出版科学期刊的国际出版公司。其总部位于英国伦敦,是英国麦克米伦出版公司的一个子公司,1995年英国麦克米伦出版公司被德国Georgvon Holtzbrinck Publishing Group出版公司买下。自然出版集团下属很多期刊,其中很大一部分都在学术界有一定影响,比如其著名的期刊-《自然》等。《自然》(Nature)是世界上最早的科学期刊之一,也是全世界最权威及最有名望的学术杂志,首版於1869年11月4日。虽然今天大多数科学期刊都专一於一个特殊的领域,《自然》是少数(其它类似期刊有《科学》和《美国国家科学院院刊》等)依然发表来自很多科学领域的一手研究论文的期刊。在许多科学研究领域中,每年最重要、最前沿的研究结果是在《自然》中以短文章的形式发表的。《自然》的主要读者是从事研究工作的科学家,但期刊前部的文章概括使得一般公众也能理解期刊内最重要的文章。期刊开始部分的社论、新闻及专题文章报道科学家一般关心的事物,包括最新消息、研究资助、商业情况、科学道德和研究突破等。期刊也介绍与科学研究有关的书籍和艺术。期刊的其余部分主要是研究论文,这些论文往往非常紧密,非常具有技术性。 在《自然》上发表文章是非常光荣的,《自然》上的文章往往非常经常被引用,这有助于晋升、获得资助和获得主流媒体的关注。因此科学家之间在在《自然》或《科学》上发表文章上的竞争非常强。但是与其它专业的科学杂志一样,在《自然》上发表的文章需要经过严格的同行评审。在发表前编辑选择其他在同一领域有威望的、但与作者无关的科学家来检查和评判文章的内容。作者要对评审做出的批评给予反应,比如更改文章内容,提供更多的试验结果,否则的话编辑可能拒绝该文章。

